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De Forge of Empires - Wiki FR
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IAbutton.png EMAbutton.png HMAbutton.png LMAbutton.png CAbutton.png IEbutton.png PEbutton.png MEbutton.png PMEbutton.png CEbutton.png TEbutton.png FEbutton.png AFbutton.png


Âge/Ère Age icon.png PFs Small fp.png Pièces Icon coins.png Marchandises Supplie icon.png
Âge de Pierre 3 0 0
Âge de Bronze 127 2 300 2 300
Âge de Fer 256 8 050 13 100
Haut Moyen Âge 505 31 500 63  250
Moyen Âge Classique 233 53 500 194 000
La Renaissance 1 072 155 000 427 500
Âge Colonial 1 000 115 337 421 870
L'ère Industrielle 1 140 303 000 1 495 000
L'ère Progressive 1 430 514 111 2 026 111
L'ère Moderne 1 440 1 124 456 3 964 321
L'ère Post-Moderne 1 680 5 030 000 7 120 000
L'ère Contemporaine 1 530 10 025 914 12 351 147
L'ère de Demain 1 620 16 220 100 12 691 000
L'ère du Futur 1 887 22 976 100 30 261 200
L'ère Arctique en cours en cours en cours
Total 14 423 56 559 368 71 030 799

New Era

  • Introduction

With each new era, you get a "Congratulations" screen that not only presents what's new and what's coming up in the era you just unlocked, but it also gives you a small reward. The table below presents the content of the packages you get for reaching each era.


  • The table
Bronze Age Iron Age Early Middle Age High Middle Age Late Middle Age Colonial Age Industrial Age Prog. Era
CoinsIcon coins.png



1000 2000 3000 5000 7000


SuppliesBazaar 0.png 120 500 1000 2000 3000 5000 7000 9000
FPsSmall fp.png 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
MedalsSmall medal.png 5 20 40 80 150 250 400 600



Modern Era Postmodern Era Contemporary Era Tomorrow Era The Future Arctic Future
CoinsIcon coins.png 12000 15000 18000


24000 28000
SuppliesBazaar 0.png 12000 15000 18000 21000 24000 28000
FPsSmall fp.png 10 10 10 10 10 10
MedalsSmall medal.png 900 1250 1600 2200 2400 2600