
De Forge of Empires - Wiki FR
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Tech Tree

  • Table Caption:
Age icon.png
Small fp.png
Required FPs
Icon coins.png
Required Coins
Small supplie.png
Required Supplies
Small goods.png
Required Goods
Tech icon.png
Items Provided
Age icon.png
Small fp.png
Icon coins.png
Small supplie.png
Small goods.png
Tech icon.png
SA Sa community.png Tribal Community 3 0 0
Age icon.png
Small fp.png
Icon coins.png
Small supplie.png
Small goods.png
Tech icon.png
BA Ba stilt houses.png Stilt Houses 3 0 0 House icon.png Deco icon.png
BA Ba spears.pngSpears 3 0 0 Military icon.png ContinentMap icon.png
BA Ba pottery.png Pottery 3 0 0 Supplie icon.png
BA Ba wheel.png The Wheel 4 0 0 Expansion icon.png
BA Ba construction.png Construction 5 0 0 Cultural icon.png
BA Ba slingshots.png Slingshots 5 200 0 Military icon.png
BA Ba chalets.png Chalets 5 100 200 House icon.png
BA Ba cultivation.png Cultivation 6 200 100 Supplie icon.png Treasurehunt icon.png
BA Ba tools.png Tools 3 0 100 Expansion icon.png
BA Ba growing.png Growing 5 0 300 Good icon.png Good icon.png
BA Ba horseback riding.png Horseback Riding 6 250 0 Military icon.png
BA Ba thatched houses.png Thatched Houses 6 150 200 House icon.png Deco icon.png
BA Ba stonework.png Stonework 5 0 500 Good icon.png Good icon.png
BA Ba woodwork.png Woodwork 5 200 100 Good icon.png
BA Ba phalanx.png Phalanx 8 0 200 Military icon.png
BA Ba smithery.png Smithery 8 350 0 Supplie icon.png Guild icon.png
BA Ba teaching.png Teaching 7 200 50 Cultural icon.png Deco icon.png
BA Ba craftwork.png Craftwork 6 0 0 2 Albaster icon.png 2 Cypress icon.png Expansion icon.png
BA Ba paths.png Paths 7 0 100 Road icon.png
BA Ba siege weapons.png Siege Weapons 9 500 0 Military icon.png
BA Ba brewing.png Brewing 10 150 150 Cultural icon.png Deco icon.png
BA Ba manuring.png Manuring 8 0 300 Expansion icon.png

Modèle:Research extra